Créer un compte OpenAI et obtenir sa clé API

Une clé API est un outil essentiel pour accéder à un serveur, une application ou un service web. Il s’agit d’un code spécifique à votre compte qui est utilisé pour authentifier votre accès et vous fournir des informations et des fonctionnalités spécifiques. Une clé API OpenAI est un code d’accès utilisé pour accéder au moteur GPT-3, un puissant générateur de texte et d’intelligence artificielle. GPT-3 est un système d’intelligence artificielle qui peut être utilisé pour générer et compléter automatiquement des phrases et des paragraphes, et est considéré comme l’un des systèmes les plus avancés à ce jour. La clé API OpenAI est nécessaire pour accéder au moteur GPT-3 et à ses fonctionnalités, et donc pour pouvoir en tirer parti.

3 minute read…

How to Learn efficiently

Learning is a process that is very important to what makes us who we are now. As everything in life, it has been studied, and some method were proven more useful to retain more information, and quicker.

Here I will list everything I found useful while I was learning how to learn.

6 minute read…

The Longevity Diet

A few years ago I got interested in the diet science. I am in my 20s and I’ve never been fat or not healthy, but still I thought that maybe there was ways of anticipating my aging with a better diet. I read a few books and one made lots of sense to me, which I tried to summarize in the following article. It is a book written by Valter Longo about a mimicking fasting diet. The idea is to have the full benefits of a water fasting diet, while still eating specific vegetables that would not prevent the body from getting into starvation mode.

Full disclaimer

I must say that this book, even if it seems to be baked by science, is still a book. All the evidence that Valter Longo shows needs to be replicated and explored more deeply before this can be called a truth. I decided to try it because fasting is not a very dangerous experimentation, but I would recommend anybody reading that article to be cautious and not to take everything said here for absolute truth. Don’t do anything stupid if you are not feeling healthy and talk with your doctor before.

14 minute read…

Traders : Entrez dans la zone


Dans les années 80, l’analyse technique n’était que très peu utilisée, les traders utilisaient plutôt ce que l’on appelle l’analyse fondamentale. Elle consiste à prendre en considération toutes les variables qui peuvent affecter l’équilibre ou le déséquilibre relatif entre l’offre et la demande de toute action, matière première ou instrument financier.

Malheureusement ces modèles tiennent rarement compte des autres traders en tant que variables.

Les analystes fondamentaux pourraient avoir raison sur une prédiction future, mais entre temps les oscillations de prix dûs aux autres traders seront telles qu’il serait très difficile de conserver une position pour atteindre l’objectif.

11 minute read…

Structuring a Python application

In this short article I will explain all the different ways of structuring a Python application, from a quick script to a more complex web application.

Single python file containing all the code

That’s okay for code without dependencies or using a virtual environment. This is generally used for a quick script that doesn’t need complexity in its file structure.

5 minute read…

Create a proxy with a Raspberry Pi 3 (or above)

If you need to use a proxy that has the same IP address as your home, here is a tutorial on how to do it.

Install and configure your Raspberry Pi OS

Install and configure a raspberry pi without a mouse nor a keyboard :

  1. Download the last version of raspbian lite here and download Etcher which we will use to flash the disk image on the SD card.
  2. Start Elena, select the Raspbian Lite imake disk, select the target which is the SD card you use for your raspberry pi and click on Flash!.

While the image disk is getting installed, we will create the file that contains the wifi information so the raspberry can connect to it automatically. Open a text note and paste this inside :

6 minute read…

How to cancel a pending ethereum transaction with MetaMask

Having a pending transaction can be quite annoying and usually happens when the network is heavy loaded and the fees are sky rocketing. Your transaction may have a too low gas fee and miner are just ignoring it to prefer others transaction with higher fees.

This result in you being stuck because until that transaction is resolved you cannot send any other transaction. Annoying right ?

Let’s dive right in on how to fix this !

6 minute read…

Please Don’t Say Just Hello In Chat

2010-07-19 12:32:12 you: Hi
2010-07-19 12:32:15 co-worker: Hello.
2010-07-19 12:34:01 you: I'm working on [something] and I'm trying to do [etc...]
2010-07-19 12:35:21 co-worker: Oh, that's [answer...]

It’s as if you called someone on the phone and said “Hi!” and then put them on hold!

Please do this instead:

2010-07-19 12:32:12 you: Hi -- I'm working on [something] and I'm trying to do [etc...]
2010-07-19 12:33:32 co-worker: [answers question]

2 minute read…

Why does porn grills men’s brain ?

Beyond this catchy title hides a reality unfortunately similar. Before explaining why, let’s do a quick history of this particular cinematographic art.

Before talking about cinema, eroticism and pornography have been the focus of novels since the very beginning of writing. Whether through representations of the sexual act, desire and its many signs, this genre has always attracted interest over the centuries.

But what is an erotic book?

A text that arouses excitement to read?

It is a very subjective definition, a simple poetry can awaken some enthusiasts but leave others of marble.

14 minute read…